
Akasha is an ancient vampire, alive for 1000s of years. She was an adult when she was made into a vampire but she has been alive for so long that her body has started to break down and deform leaving her with a somewhat bizarre appearance. She is so old she can't quite remember her human life or how it is that she came to become a vampire. Human blood no longer satiates her thirst she instead feeds on lesser demons and younger vampires. She lives in hiding only coming out to feed, spending her time reading books in every language ever written. She has a massive library of books that she has accumulated over the centuries. She does have somewhat of an alliance with the demoness Azreal. They have a grudging respect for one another. She has turned several vampires over the years, including her newest fledglings Hecate and Salem.

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Вот и почти закончена страничка Бьюл Лилит. Осталась парочка нюансов: Не знаю, какой скинтон указать (т. к. соответствия у обитсу нет) и что написать в описании мейка. Еще неточность в описании есть, что релиз серии вампиров был в феврале (на самом деле в январе). Надо исправить? И насчет тиража: где-то пишут, что тираж был 200 кукол, а где-то - что 100 кукол было для продажи на выставке (ComicCon) и еще 200 для продажи во всем мире.

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